Home > Argh... what a weekend.

Argh... what a weekend.

January 13th, 2008 at 07:34 pm

Not only do I feel like I somehow totally wasted time this weekend, I feel like I wasted gas, money, etc. ARGH! I hate this feeling more than anything and amy trying to get done as much as possible today.

Friday we saw our friend broke down on the side of the road with his wife and baby (we had to go check on someone's house who was out of town and lives about 20 mins away) and like anyone else would do, we stopped. We had the dogs with us in the car so we had to go to the person's house we were watching, since it was closest, then drop the dogs off, then go BACK and get our friends and go to THEIR house, and then go pick up the dogs. They did give us a teeny bit of gas money though, thank god.

I got a car starter for x-mas and the appointment to put it in was paid for by the person who gave it to me. I don't really NEED a car starter and have gone all this time in winters without one, but with the price of gas I feel like it's a waste. The person who gave it to me was really, really excited about it. I figured I would get it installed and in the rare instances I HAVE to use it (like waking up and finding freezing rain has iced all the doors shut, things like that). So the place we had to go to is a little bit far away, half hour. Fine. Drove there in two cars, drove home, drove back, drove home. TWO cars both times (there was nothing around this place it was installed and it was going to take 3-4 hours to install, so it's not like there was anywhere for me to walk to and hang out while it was getting installed.) At least it's done though.

So yeah, I feel like that took up forever. Had to buy dog food as we were running out and a lot of places aren't open Sunday. Fine. Go to the place we usually do, they're out of the food that we have to buy as it's the ONLY kind that doesn't give our dog horrible poo, as he has allergies. Argh. Drive MORE to go another place to see if they have it, which they did, for $5 more a bag. Gah. I had no choice as we had no food left, so I grudgingly bought it, drove all the way home again.

Bah! So yeah, now I have to get gas *again* which I'm not happy about. Normally I don't drive anywhere on the weekends except to go food shopping (which is really close and I have to do today...) and I can start off the work week with almost a full tank, but not this week.... maybe I can make what I have left last me until Friday *crosses fingers*

And I STILL haven't found about about my raise!! Hopefully I can get some work done today, get some laundry done today, get some cleaning done today! Usually I like to relax Sundays and do nothing.

2 Responses to “Argh... what a weekend.”

  1. Amber Says:

    Ahhhh, I feel your pain. I hate days like this. My weekend last week was the same, I had to take my nephew to work, who works less than a mile away from his house but for some reason my sister deosn't want him walking (he is 21) and mind you they do not live close. By time I did my Saturday shoopping, take him to work, return the books at the library, pick up meds it was time to go to work and refill my tank arrrrgh. I get angry just thinking about it.
    sorry to vent and not show support, forgive me Big Grin on a different note good luck with that raise, I am waiting on one as well

  2. Amber Says:

    Ahhhh, I feel your pain. I hate days like this. My weekend last week was the same, I had to take my nephew to work, who works less than a mile away from his house but for some reason my sister deosn't want him walking (he is 21) and mind you they do not live close. By time I did my Saturday shoopping, take him to work, return the books at the library, pick up meds it was time to go to work and refill my tank arrrrgh. Get angry just thinking about it.
    sorry to vent and not show support, forgive me Big Grin on a different note good luck with that raise, I am waiting on one as well

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